Sustainable illumination – what’s not to love?
As a global society, we’re becoming acutely aware of the environment in which we live and work, finding new ways to take care of the world around us.
As a global society, we’re becoming acutely aware of the environment in which we live and work, finding new ways to take care of the world around us.
Fed up with having to spend nearly an hour warming up and cooling down your light source every day? Feel wasteful leaving mercury bulbs running when not in use?
The toxic effects of mercury have been well documented for decades.
CoolLED is delighted to announce that it’s pE-300 Series has been awarded the ACT Label for sustainability.
CoolLED are very please to announce that Valentina Palacio-Castaneda is the winner of our undergraduate contest, ‘Scientists of Tomorrow’.
Obesity and its health effects is a major problem and that is becoming more prevalent.
The CoolLED team had a great time visiting its partners Medipan recently.
This recent article in Nature Communications is an intriguing example of marrying a mathematical model of cell fate tracing with biology data.